Accurate Adjusting and Appraisals PC

Phone Icon (470) 691-1374


Monday - Saturday: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM


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Consulting on Building

Full-Service Building Consultant

Before you ever break ground on a remodeling project, you need to know what kind of costs you're looking at. Accurate Adjusting and Appraisals PC can pair you with our experience building consultant any time you need a reliable estimate for what needs to be done and how much it's likely to set you back. Often called upon by insurance companies as expert witnesses, you can trust our qualified consultants to deliver actionable advice and numbers every time.

Commercial Building

Get Extra Help from Our Estimator

If you're a contractor who needs more input on a project, we can help. Give our office a call—we provide written estimates that create clear pictures for the future. With our help, you never have to worry about a client being unsatisfied with your cost evaluation. In fact, choosing an external estimation expert can supply increased confidence and make the entire relationship between you and your customer easier to manage.