Accurate Adjusting and Appraisals PC

Phone Icon (470) 691-1374


Monday - Saturday: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM


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Insurance Meeting

Call Our Public Adjuster after Property Loss

If you've experienced a major loss of property and want to file a claim for insurance purposes, always call your own public adjuster first. Insurance companies are notorious for undervaluing claims, but having a professional estimate and someone with experience to present it to your carrier can make all the difference. Often referred by engineers and contractors, Accurate Adjusting and Appraisals PC offers a thorough service that includes everything you need to press your claim, including:

  • Inspection
  • Photographing
  • Documentation
  • Written Estimation
Trust our experience representing the public. We work hard to ensure that our property loss estimates are thorough so that you can get the peace of mind you need when you deal with your insurance company. Don't risk being under-compensated. If you're at a loss about a loss, reach out to our team today.
